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Never Pay Full Price for New and Second Hand Secondary School Books & Textbooks Online
Welcome to the School Book Shop where you can buy new school books and second hand secondary school books and textbooks online.
At the School Book Shop you can search our online school book database for new and used textbooks by: keyword, subject and year level.
At the School Book Shop, if a school book is available second hand it will appear above the new textbook.
At the School Book Shop, stock levels of our online second hand text books can change daily. We get used school books coming in every day.
If a schoolbook is available used, it will appear with a price. If none are available secondhand, the notation "Secondhand N/A" will be displayed.
If a second hand book is in stock, we recommend you buy it immediately, before someone else does. School Book Shop used text books are in high demand online.
We cannot hold or reserve our online second hand schoolbooks.
If a used textbook was originally sold new with a digital code, we ensure that all our used books have the original code inside the cover.
All our secondhand textbooks are quality textbooks. Damaged textbooks dont make it past our quality control and dont make it to our online textbook shop.
This year we have added calculators to the School Book Shop inventory
We stock a range of scientific and CAS calculators including Texas Ti-Nspire and Casio Classpad at discounted prices.
Bulk Book Purchases
Attention Schools/ Librarians/Teachers; looking for a quote on bulk book orders.
Email us your requirements and we can provide you with a quote.
Dear customers
The School Book season is upon us and stock titles adjusted for new editions and versions.
A recent addition to our online store is the range of Texas calculators.
Both the Texas TI-Nspire CX CAS calculator and Texas Ti-30XWB Scientific calculator are now stocked as well as CASIO models.